A Proposal from Celestia.Design

Custom SMS Messaging & Marketing System

Overview and Goals

Impliment a SMS Messageing & Marketing system that allows the NNSW Youth Department to send mesages to all the youth in the conference using a addressbook that allows them to have a data base merge system that allows them to customise the messages for each person using the informaton that is stored in the addressbook.

Development Time frame

To complete the work outlined in the project scope, we'll need approximately 3-6 weeks from beginning to end. Please Note: This is dependant on when we receive feedback at each milestone.

Phase Week
Research 1-2
Code HTML/CSS templates 3-4
Back-end development 2-4
QA Testing and Review 5-6
Deployment to live site 6.5

& Hosting

Regular maintenance is the most important part of website security. We ensure everything is up to date and secure. This is provided weekly using the best security practices and with daily monitoring of the latest news for possible signs that some components of your websites may be vulnerable.

Regular backups are critical for your website and we perform backups every day, that are both stored on seperate systems to ensure redundancy. Backups are stored for 30 days.

Your investment in Communicationi

SMS Service

Per Month
inc GST
Per 1,150 credits
inc GST
Building the Custome QR Code Based Check In & Check Out Software, including intergrating with cameras on mobile devices to allow the scaning of QR Codes with out an app.
Hosting the app from the 1st of December 2020 to the 31st of January 2021.
Ownership of this code is retained by Celestia PTY LTD